Tuesday, 18 December 2012

My first blog post.

Dear Diary.

My first entry. Writing this at midnight, I probably should be asleep but I was too eager and wanted to make it official.

It was my girlfriend who actually encouraged me to start documenting my allotment journey. A good idea to share with you, the reader.
I can look back on my posts for inspiration, something to be proud of.

I live on the Wirral, just outside of Liverpool. To have an allotment, you have to apply to your local council. There is a waiting list depending on what area you choose to have your plot. I was on the waiting list for 12 months before I was given my own bit of Earth.

I remember looking at the large empty space, so many thoughts and ideas popped up. I couldn't wait to start. I got out my notebook and in no time at all I was sketching layout designs.

I worked hard for the first couple of months, building my raised beds and making my own chicken house. All on a little budget.
I took photos along the way.

This year was mainly an experiment, to gain experience and to learn from mistakes. I probably rushed into growing a few things early because I was excited to see the outcome.

My next post, I will upload photos of my journey so far.

But now it's time for bed.


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